CROP. is a platform that cultivates, grows and manages creative tenant communities. We connect promising restaurant and retail residencies and tenancies in need of acceleration - with urban developments in need of dynamic tenanting and activation.

Supplying an effective vehicle for igniting new nodes of commerce in urban environments and a tangible, relevant and visibly impactful recipient for private and governmental funding into urban regeneration.

A socially conscious incubator, growing young food, beverage and design entrepreneurs into contributing to a more diverse and dynamic commercial landscape.

populating // propagating //

populating // propagating //


Proven and promising SMME’s are placed on a temporary (pop up / residency) or permanent basis in aligned ground floor and rooftop spaces in urban developments.

Groomed and managed into co-operative communities by our experienced team, upskilled and improved through active incubation, and then marketed and pushed through fresh, agile social communication.


Aligned developments are considered holistically and then supplied with pre-vetted tenant placements that are then managed and maintained by our agency team.

These spaces become part of a larger network that comes with a growing following and audience.

Tenancies are holistically designed to form new recreational and lifestyle destinations, and then amplified by a supporting program of cultural events, entertainment programs and activations.

// Meet Some Of Our Members //

// Meet Some Of Our Members //

Reach out. Let’s see what we can do for you.